we are here to support women's confidence, social lives, creativity and the small business community

Our Background
In 2020, we started hosting markets online and had a great response.
In 2021, we hosted our first IRL market in East London. It was so lovely to have so many small businesses we had gotten to know online all in one place. It was a day full of support and had a real community feel.
The aim is to host markets nationwide. We will be hosting more soon in London and Newcastle. Fancy joining as a vendor? Drop us a message to apply!
Are you feeling confident? Is this something you struggle with? I am here to help.
I believe in being a cheerleader and giving people a boost when they need to. It is something I have always done and found myself doing this more and more when speaking to creative women or small business owners since starting WWC.
If you need to chat, get in touch and we can see what I can offer to help.